Today's Zoos

Hello, I am WOF. Lately I've been feeling quite sentimental over the fortune we have as zoos to live in the modern age. We can digitally congregate in safe places, share knowledge on how to best care for our animal partners and get support that might've been much harder to find in the past. The internet as a whole has been exceptionally empowering to minority groups which is something I am often thankful for, particularly visible in the lives of my zoo peers that overlap these groups.
It's not just the humans, though. Not needing to worry if we can feed animals, protecting them from disease with vaccinations and medications - we truly have much to be grateful for the existence of (even if it is sadly not available to everyone). I don't know if it's the result of some grand design or pure chaos, but on an existential level I'm profoundly appreciative that all the factors of the universe have resulted in a world with dogs to kiss.
I lament for the zoos of the past who never knew these fortunes. Having their partners wander off or get lost because they didn't have a leash, or even an enclosed house. People who lost their loves due to infections before the time of antibiotics and medical knowledge of conditions like pyometra. This isn't to say that the modern age isn't without hardships, being a zoo still puts you at a risk of being hatefully targeted. Even more so in certain countries that aren't even pro-gay. Regardless, it can be healthy to look over the positive aspects of life every now and then.
Recently I bought my animal partner an antler chew and thought about how remarkable it is that we have so many products for them, even if we can't always afford them. Collapsible water bowls to easily provide them a drink wherever, tools to easily trim their nails and brush their fur, toys to entertain them and snacks of endless variety. It's an odd therian experience, being human is innately painful yet I remain thankful that I am here to share it in such an exceptional time period.
I can't remember if you're supposed to say bye at the end of an article but uhh :3
Article written by WOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOFWOOF (November 2024)