The Anti to Zoo Pipeline

There's an interesting phenomenon in any social movement where some members of the oppressed group end up as vocal opposition to said movement. Think gay people who are in denial who become priests in order to be able to pray the gay away. That pretty much never works. They can scream until they're red in the face about how being gay is evil and wrong and bad, but frequently the loudest people in that crowd are the ones who feel those same urges the most. They also tend to be the ones getting into very priestly scandals about themselves and some of the younger members of their parish.
This phenomenon isn't exclusive to just sexuality though. Certain African Americas adopted the ideology of the slavers and fought to stay oppressed. Certain women rejected suffrage, instead promoting the idea of traditional family roles. And, more relatedly to our own movement, some zoos become antis and try to pull down the zoo movement.
We're in an interesting situation compared to the other examples. With those, we have the benefit of hindsight. We can talk about how silly it is to be a homophobic gay person from the perspective of a society where queers have already won. But with zoosexuality, we're still trying to prove ourselves. Sure, the arguments against us are both bad and wrong, but they exist as the social narrative, and so when others adopt them, it's not necessarily surprising. When everyone tells you gay people are bad, you as a gay person still internalize that, and feel like you have to fight even harder to prove that you're a good person. When everyone tells you zoos are bad, you have to make a twitter account called "I_hate_zoophiles_666" and remind them that they should feel as badly as you do, because that's the only way to re-validate your own beliefs. When you see other people happy and proud about something that you're ashamed of, that's an incredible powerful cognitive dissonance. And that's hard to overcome.
And yet, people do it all the time. If you've been around the zoo community for any length of time, you've probably met people who have been through the proverbial "Anti to Zoo pipeline" I know several. And I thought it might be valuable to share their experience. If you're a zoo that loves and accepts themself, hopefully this gives you some context the next time you have someone in your DMs trying to "troll" you. If you're someone who's a zoo, but unsure about how to feel, this might help to show that you aren't alone in that, and that everyone is on their own journey to self acceptance. And if you're an anti out there reading this, and you hate yourself, and you refuse to even think about actually being a zoo, hopefully this helps to show you that there's nothing wrong with you, and that whenever you're ready, there's a whole loving and welcoming community ready to accept you with open arms. So, without further ado, here are a few stories of those who challenged their beliefs and came out the other side stronger for it.
"I have been a furry for many years, likely most of my childhood, so it's clear I have been exposed to much of the adult nature of the fandom, too. I often speak of dragons very often in many of my social interactions, so I do enjoy dragons, in porn especially, which in itself is somewhat zooey. Lol; this, however, led me to feral artwork; for a while, I had it blacklisted as a tag on my e6 account, but eventually, I turned it off because "dragons are often depicted as feral," so it felt more authentic to me, in a way. However, e6 labeled any intercourse with a feral character as bestiality, so I kept that tag blacklisted, which of course, I also disabled because many of the dragons would end up with animal genitalia and whatnot. Not too long ago, I learned that many furries scorn those who enjoy feral artwork and call them zoos. It is odd because it's all fantasy artwork anyway. So here I am with a pro-feral yet anti-zoo stance. As I followed more artists on Twitter, I followed a very, very verbal anti-feral artist who would argue directly with zoophiles on Twitter I had a morbid curiosity, so I would check the zoo being targeted's page(s) to see what they were like, usually find just feral artwork but occasionally find actual zoo media with actual animals, I was curious so I would view this media as well but I would be VERY morally confused and almost disgusted with myself, so I would delete any such media from my viewing history. This process of discovering and viewing such stuff would go on for two years about til finally, I looked at your magazine and realized that I probably just found animals more attractive than people in both sexual and non-sexual situations. So I nervously joined your server about two weeks back and finally accepted being a zoo; in a few days, that sense of pride had overcome my fears and doubts, and now I can genuinely say I'm proud to be a zoo."
"For a while, my identity has been a bit of a jumble. A lot of ex-anti stuff has shown up in my history. For example, I was homophobic in 6th grade while still supporting trans people only for late to identify as lesbian (which I later linked to Gynosexual aesthetic attraction, as I identify as aroace flux as I am writing this). Fast forward a bit to when I started getting involved with zoos, beforehand I never knew about or cared about zoophiles. I had a couple of Warrior Cats crushes here and there, and a crush on the reindeer from Frozen. I even remember listing off a couple of warrior cat crushes I had to my sister. She doesn't know I'm a zoo. A couple of years later the Therian videos on YouTube shorts became pretty popular. My friend, I’ll call him Carl since he is a minor, would constantly rant about how much he hated therians. I was a therian but he didn’t know. I came out to him as a therian once he stopped ranting about therians and his hate shifted over to zoos. When I told him I was a Therian, he was just speechless. If you are curious, I am a short-haired black cat and a brown tabby Norwegian forest cat. I’m also Otherkin. Carl would constantly rant about zoos, it was quite something. I’m impressed by how he even knew about the “Zooier Than Thou” podcast. I am surprised how he never found or talked about Zooey Dot Pub. One of my other friends, I’ll call them Ash, would constantly defend zoos. And I, who was anti-zoo at the time, would try to convince Ash to stop supporting them.Ash would say they weren’t on any side and hadn’t yet decided what to think about zoos. Ash would also say that they could imagine sex with a horse-sized… you know… would be “pleasurable”. As someone who is feline and vulpine attracted (romantically), I still don’t fully understand as I am asexual. I’m in my junior year now and I have found out I am a zoo. I wish I dared to talk to Ash about zoos again. Maybe they are a zoo. Maybe just a supporter. But hiding their opinion about it. I still struggle with my identity as a zoo, wishing I was better off dead because I know and understand the anti’s point of view. Part of me even agrees with them. But I also understood a normal zoo’s point of view. They just want to love and be understood. They can’t control who or what they’re attracted to. Maybe one day I’ll come to terms with my identity. But for now, I’ll just stay hidden and only openly zooey on the Zooey Dot Pub Discord server."
"I was a bit of a grey muzzle when I first came to accept my animal loving self. I had been a furry for a long time, well established with good friends, having been lucky enough to go to a number of conventions all across europe. I became a furry when I was young, during the time when it was seen as much more culturally deviant. I liked the animals, and I liked the art, and I met some great people. But when I talked with other people about it, they always described it as the "bestiality" people. But I wasn't someone who wanted to do that. I wasn't a zoophile. I spent so long trying to convince people that furries were more than just dog sex addicts that it was impossible for me to consider my own feelings on the matter. I spouted a lot of hate against zoophiles, a group I knew basically nothing about, because I felt like I needed to defend a group that I did identify with. Because of course, there's nothingd by a minority group just trying to exist. Just like furries back in the day. I listened to a couple more episodes, before deciding I wanted to learn more about zoos myself.So I decided to join a few zoo groups on Telegram, and started meeting people and making friends. And at that point I was hooked. Flash forwards a little while while and now I've never been happier. It makes me so sad that I spend so long living my life with such hatred towards a group of people undeserving of it. I feel so lucky that I was able to find this community. Sorry this is a little bit long, but I hope that this helps.
So there we go. There's a few stories from people who started off against us, and then joined our side. There are a lot of important things we can take away from all this, but I want to leave off with this. If you're someone who's struggling with an attraction to animals, maybe give yourself a chance.
Article written by Tarro and Friends (September 2024)
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