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Zooey Dot Pub!

The first zoosexual lifestyle magazine featuring articles by community members.

On Monetization

Let's say I want to make a movie. I can do a lot of cool work with just the tools…

On the Zeta Principles

I want to make something clear as we start this article off. I have nothing against the Zeta Principles. I…

Bell Curves

Have you ever heard of a bell curve? It's a kind of shape that some graphs end up with, when…

City Tips for Dogs!

Every city in the entire world has three things: humans, animals, and hazards. As animal-loving humans, we want to use…

First Loves

The new year has come, a time of change and new happiness. But can the new exist without the old,…

2024 Year in Review

Time sure does fly when you're having fun doesn't it? Another amazing year has gone by and here we are…

Dogteeth's Letter to Santa

Dear Santa, Thank you for the plane tickets you got me last year to fly from America to Germany to…

Zooey Game Master Tips

Do you play tabletop role-playing games with any zoosexuals? Do you not necessarily play any tabletop role-playing games with any…

Zoo Con 2024

It’s 2:00 AM Central Time and I’m sitting in the lobby of the Donald E. Stephens convention center in Rosemont…