6 Ways Dogs are Better Partners
I think it's fair to say at this point that everyone knows that dating animals is based and awesome and…
The first zoosexual lifestyle magazine featuring articles by community members.
I think it's fair to say at this point that everyone knows that dating animals is based and awesome and…
It's 11 PM at night. Your friend, who is not zoosexual himself but he does respect you, has rolled you…
When I've come back in from a big long evening dog walk, taken off my shoes, and gotten some refreshing…
The Zeta Verein: a German Success Story of a Zoophile Organization Hidden in closed off forums, there are many zoos…
If you're someone who consumes much media, and especially if you're a queer person, here's a trope that I'm sure…
I want us to imagine a man called Tommy. Tommy considers himself to be an anti-contact homosexual. He finds other…
"Ugh. I would have washed that. The only way I could sneak it off Contraxia was up my ah..." -Rocket…
It kind of sucks when people hate you. Especially when it's just for being yourself. It's not a great feeling…
φιλία (philia) Affectionate regard, friendship, usually between equals. Honestly, I'm not a fan of labels. To sum up one's relationship…
Hi hater, I’ll keep this brief because I know that reading is not your thing. Here is a list of…
Hello and welcome to the end of Zoo Pride Week 2023! Tomorrow we'll be diving right back into our regular…
Hello again! Weird to see you this many times in a week. And on a Tuesday no less! Hope your…