Caring About Things

"Trans rights are human rights" is a term used by trans activists to convey the idea that since trans people are also y'know, people, they deserve the same rights as anyone else. The rights of trans people should be equivalent to the rights of cis people. I you shouldn't be persecuted for how you dress, how you present, or how you live. An should be able to out as trans and be treated exactly the same as anyone else.
There's another level to the slogan though. One that I think is talked about much less, but I find just as compelling. And that's "human rights". If trans rights are human rights, and anyone can be trans, that means that the trans community should care about more than just trans issues, but also blanketedly human issues.
This is true of the zoo community as well. Much like the trans community (of which many of us are also members, we love our trans zoos), we're a group of people that . ny race, gender, socioeconomic background, whatever. Anyone can be animal attracted. means that members of our community could be affected by any host of issues happening in society.
We need to care about more than just zoo causes. We can't just sit in our bubble trying to fight for our own rights, the rights of animals out there. We need to
. It can be hard to try take everything in all the time. There's so much happening in the world it's nearly impossible to keep up with . And even if you c, it's sure as hell depressing sometimes. I'm not saying that you , but . Even if it's not something that personally affects you, if you care about zoo activism you have to care about more than just zoo activism. And here's why.
There's only so much time and energy we have in a day. If you're a zoo living in the US and your state is considering criminalizing abortion, that's pretty fucking important to you too. And not only that, but it's also a much more pressing issue. Say you're a gay zoo living in a country like Uganda which just passed sweeping laws to totally criminalize hat's probably going to be on your mind as well. And, of course our dear trans zoos whos rights are being attacked left and right. It's hard to focus on writing cool fun zoo positivity articles when it now might be illegal for you to use the bathroom.
As a community, we need to support those that are at their weakest. I'll be honest, we aren't that of a voice t least not yet anyway. But when we show that we stand with minorities that are in danger of losing their rights, we let the zoos in th minorit know that we stand with them, and th they have a safe space where they can t
Of course, all of this is an incredibly selfish way at looking at things Ideally you care about people because that's the right thing to do. But if you are someone who never speaks up about other issues, at least now you have a reason to. Because zoo rights are human rights.
Article written by Tarro (May 2023)
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