A Message to Anti Zoos

Hello there reader. Assuming you are in fact my target audience for this article then you are an anti zoo, reading this article either out of curiosity from a witter post, maybe another anti friend sharing it with you to laugh at it, or maybe you're lurking in the Zooey ot u iscord server and got a notification about a new article and decided to see what those horrible zoos wrote this time. Nonetheless, hello, I am Jade, and there are some things I would like to discuss, and implore you to think about.
Now then, chances are most antis won't get past that first paragraph, so thank you for continuing to read. I was once an anti zoo, a very very actively anti zoo person, and did as much as I could to separate myself from zoophilia despite my attractions, and it was painful. Repressing it caused me a large amount of mental strain and self hatred, and it’s something I wouldn’t wish on anyone else. But is happening to other people, and I know it's not an insignificant number.
And so reader, anti, I implore you to just try and think about the possibility of opening up more.
I want you to take a moment, to calm whatever emotions you're feeling as much as you can, and then think about some of these things you hate, includingand especiallyzoophilia.
Think about how you react to it, and why you react the way you do to these things. Your first thoughts are probably something along the lines of “why would I even consider this, there is nothing to consider or think about, it's just pure evil”
nd I understand that mindset as its one I had before. But listen to me, as someone that was in your position, I implore you, think about what it would be like to accept it, how you would feel! push past your initial emotions as best you can and think. Would you be happier? Would it feel nice to accept it as part of yourself rather than repress it and internally hate yourself, even if not consciously? Even if not accepting yourself as but just others as themselves as well, rather than living on hate. Because I can tell you from experience, a life living in hatred, isn’t one you will be happy in. It breeds a toxic mindset and a toxic way of thinking. Communities built on hate never yield good happy people, and it's only a matter of time until you do one thing wrong and they turn on you.
I know most of you wont listen to me, I expect it, but please at least try, for your sake.
I don't want others to suffer the kind of pain that I did, and that I see people around me suffer, even my close friends.. Most people are probably going to just laugh this off, mock this article, and get other antis you know to mock it as well. And to that point, please do! Go ahead, share this with your friends, on a witter callout post, anything. I want this to get around because while to most antis it will seem stupid, or meaningless, eventually it will reach the person it needs to, and if I can help even one person with this, then I'm satisfied.
Article written by Silly Little Dog Kisser (February 2025)
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